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Pictor Acadmey

The 2nd edition of Kidz to Adultz Magazine

The 2nd edition of Kidz to Adultz Magazine


Have you seen the latest issue?


The second issue of the new Kidz to Adultz magazine is now online to read after being distributed at the Kidz to Adultz exhibition recently.


It’s packed full of useful and interesting articles including opportunities to win prizes such as personalised spokeguard covers and books. You’ll find:


·A self-care guide for parent-carers

·Low cost clothing adaptations that make a difference

·A guide to moving & handling

·Autism experiences that have resulted in an inspirational book

·A remarkable account from a mother where she describes ‘Hurtling down an unmarked road’

· …and much more!


Why not take a look now. And if you have a story that you think should be in a future issue, why not get in touch with us and let us know.

Email magazine@disabledliving.co.uk

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