Advisory Committee
Purpose and Scope
Advisory committees are not responsible for operational issues. They act as a 'critical friend' by:
- Providing strategic governance support to ensure pupils receive the best possible education.
- Monitoring and evaluating school performance.
- Providing support and challenge to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.
- Engaging with the wider community.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Board of Trustees requires each academy advisory committee to develop effective working relationships and practices relative to each academy's development plan objectives and targets.
- Review outcomes for pupils, their attainment and progress (including Pupil Premium and Sports Premium where appropriate).
- Monitor and challenge the implementation of:
- LAC policies/performance of LAC pupils
- SEND policies/performance of pupils
- Statutory safeguarding obligations and policies
- Monitor implementation of pupil behaviour policies.
- Monitor and review the quality of teaching, leadership and management.
- Regularly review and make recommendations about the Accessibility Plan.
- Support parent communication and community engagement.
- Monitor and review pupil enrichment (e.g. trips/visits, breakfast and after school clubs, extracurricular activities and funding opportunities).
- Form a panel of governors at Stage 3 of the complaints procedure.
- In line with the DfE statutory guidance on exclusions from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, governors to form a panel of governors to consider reinstatement of permanently excluded pupil or when the total number of fixed term exclusion days exceed 15 in one term. A co-opted governor should lead on the exclusion panel.
Andrew Taylor
Executive Head Teacher
Karen Larsen
Deputy Head Teacher
Lee Slater
Assistant Head Teacher
Paula Higginson
Kate Parkinson
Anna Leyden
Andrew Goodier
Daniel Holt
Neil Rochford