Pupils from Nursery through to Yr 5 have access to our small hydrotherapy swimming pool for water fun sessions and basic swimming survival for blocks of time 8 – 12 weeks supervised by a life guard and qualified swimming instructor who has received additional training in special needs.
In Yr 6 pupils attend structured swimming lessons at a local Leisure Centre currently Altrincham concentrating on water survival skills and aiming for them to swim 25m. in some circumstances the Yr 6 pupil may only be able to access our hydrotherapy pool because of a risk assessment, medical issues or accessibility issues.
2 after school sessions are provided in the hydrotherapy pool by the swimming instructor for parents to attend with their children.
Pupils identified by the physiotherapy service might also receive blocks of targeted hydrotherapy sessions and our pre-formal group of learners with the most significant physical and sensory needs receive a regular weekly session throughout the year in the hydrotherapy pool as part of their PE and therapy curriculum.
Of our 2018 leavers; 90% (18 out of 20) of our pupils have been certified to swim 25m and are aware of water survival skills by swimming instructors. 2 pupils not accredited were unable to participate; one because of their type of SEN and one through parental choice although private swimming lessons were being provided.