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Pictor Acadmey

Saturday Fun Days

Saturday Field Fun Days


Once a month PSFA volunteers open the school field on a Saturday between 11am and 1pm. Families are welcome to come along and make use of our facilities. 

Refreshments are available and parents can chat while their children can play in a safe and familiar environment. 

Ex families and local community members who would benefit from the use of our specialist equipment are welcome by invite.

Staff will be on hand, but children must be supervised by parents or carers.

Recently the community team at Asda Broadheath have been joining us, they have been running activities for the children and their siblings. They hope to continue to do so.

Generally the Field Fun days are the first Saturday of the month, but this can change depending on term dates and other school events. If the dates change you will be notified on Dojo and the PSFA Facebook page.

We hope you will come along and join us!


Dates for next term:
February 2nd 

March 1st

April 3rd

"We attended the trial field activities at school on Saturday. J had a great time playing on all the apparatus and interacting with his school friends too. It was a lovely welcoming, safe, non-judgemental and great place for him to play and allow parents to feel relaxed. We hope that he can revisit in the future as it was such a valuable part of his weekend activities".


Pictor Parent


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