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Pictor Acadmey

Advisory Committee

Supporting and Challenging the Academy


Pictor’s Advisory Committee oversees the school’s management and aims to ensure that all children at the school get the best possible education and are able to make the most of all the opportunities that come their way.


The Advisory Committee works hard to support the Headteacher, teaching staff and pupils with the aim of ensuring that Pictor Academy is the best that it can be.


As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the Advisory Committee have statutory duties by which they are legally bound. The Advisory Committee is ultimately responsible for all matters relating to the school including teaching and learning, safeguarding, health and safety, staffing, premises and ensuring financial accountability and sustainability.


This is our role:

We take the responsibility of challenging, monitoring, supporting and evaluating the work of Pictor Academy.  We share Pictor Academy’s Mission:


  • We promote achievement for all and an enjoyment in learning for life
  • We help each pupil to succeed through a challenging curriculum, innovative teaching and highly trained, experienced staff
  • We build effective and engaging learning partnerships between Academy and home.


As critical friends the Advisory Committee is able to approach the Academy with questions from a different perspective to other groups such as the LA, Ofsted and parents

Our main intention is to keep the Academy improvement at the forefront of everything that the Academy does.



How is the Advisory Committee set up?

A mix of skills and strengths with members from different backgrounds is required for the committee to be effective.

• The head of school

• Parental representation

• Staff representative from the team of support staff

• Member of the leadership team

• Representative from the community

• Ideally we aim for a representation from all stake holders

If you’d be interested in joining the committee please contact us.


Advisory Committee

A mix of skills and strengths with members from different backgrounds is required for the committee to be effective.

Andrew Taylor

Executive Head Teacher



Karen Larsen

Deputy Head Teacher



Lee Slater

Assistant Head Teacher



Paula Higginson




Kate Parkinson




Anna Leyden




Andrew Goodier



Daniel Holt



Neil Rochford



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